dBu dBFS Calculator

  • KiB

A calculator for converting between dBu and dBFS is useful for converting between the important dBFS level in digital audio work and the dBu level in analog audio.

To use the calculator, you first need to know what value dBFS 0dB represents in dBu. This value may vary depending on the specifications of the audio equipment. Here, we will use a default value of +24dBu.

dBu to dBFS & Volt Calculator

dBu is a commonly used voltage level unit in the professional audio field. This calculator converts dBu values to dBFS and volts.

dBFS to dBu & Volt Calculator

dBFS is a decibel unit commonly used in digital audio systems, defining the maximum possible signal level as 0dBFS. This calculator converts dBFS values to dBu and volts.

  • Calculator
  • Decibel